Donate Books

Main Drop-Off Location

Donations can be dropped to Friends sorting base (#114–2476 Westlake Road, West Kelowna), next to Rose Valley Veterinary Hospital

Donations: This book-sorting location is open to accept public donations every Friday morning from 9:00 am – 11:30 am (except Friday public holidays & book sale Fridays). Please make sure to read the criteria before bringing books, puzzles and games to donate.

Kelowna Friends of the Library - Westlake Sorting Location

Friends of the Library acknowledges the support of Dr. Moshe Oz (Rose Valley Veterinary Hospital) in providing us with a reduced monthly rental.


Kelowna Book Donation Bins

Address: Okanagan Regional Library Administrative Centre, 1430 K.L.O. Road, Kelowna

We have a donation bin located at the Okanagan Regional Library Administrative Centre. Re-opened for donations 24×7. Small amounts only; please do not leave items/boxes next to the bin. Bin is cleared on a semi-regular basis, weekdays only. Large amounts/boxes must be taken to our main sorting base (open Friday mornings).

Friends of the Library - Donation Box - ORL


Address: Parkinson Recreation Centre, Harvey Avenue/1800 Parkinson Way, Kelowna
Friends now operate a second donations drop-off bin for small amounts in the car park of Parksion Recreation Centre.

Friends of the Library - Donation Box - Parkinson


Donation Requirements

The Kelowna Friends of the Library appreciate your donations of books, puzzles, and games in GOOD CONDITION.


Please DO NOT leave the following items:

  • Books in poor condition – damaged, torn, yellowed, pen marks, watermarks, highlighter, etc.
  • Textbooks
  • Encyclopaedias
  • Out-of-date books – travel, health, computer, etc.
  • Magazines
  • Reader’s Digest condensed books
  • CD’s, DVD’s, Videos, cassette tapes, and records

Friends must use a commercial service to recycle unsaleable items at a considerable cost which then reduces our fundraising proceeds. Please note Regional District of Central Okanagan (RDCO) do not accept these items (other than magazines) in residential recycling pick up.


Monetary Donations

The Friends of the Library is not able to receive monetary donations. Instead, individuals are asked to make a donation to the Okanagan Regional Library (ORL) on behalf of the Friends of the Library. To donate, please visit the ORL Website at